It's a funny feeling when you plan something for months, and then all of a sudden - it's over and done with!
There are a lot of thank yous to be said after EngageU:
To ClickWorks for a great partnership in planning the event.
To Claris for being the main sponsor and attending with five(!) representatives.
To Trigono for sponsoring the social event (and making sure that we now have lens wipes for at least a decade).
To all the other sponsors and exhibitors for investing in the event.
To the speakers for sharing their knowledge with everyone.
And last, but definitely not the least: To all the attendees for being there and bringing priceless value to the conference (including our Aderian sibling Kullander).
This Square Moon gang (and a few extras) were really happy to be there, to meet you all and to spend this event with you!
We hope to see you next year as well!
22 november 2024